Sound Booster 1.1 Build.88 patch


Sound Booster 1.1 is a software Build.88.patch-REPT maximize the sound on the laptop above the maximum buddy. For my friend who feel that the laptop has a small sound can use this software. I personally use this software because it can improve the sound of the sound on my laptop. But my advice should not be used continuously because the software is like forcing the sound card buddy to work above average "only in certain circumstances use the buddy.



  1. keren banget gan, baru test dan ternyata speakernya jadi tambah keras walau ga keras banget tp ada efeknya.

  2. keren gan suara nya jadi tambah gede
    jangan lupa kunjungi kami di MixMaxInfo

  3. @Wilson Yonkk:
    Jangan digunakan secara keseringan ya gan, seperlunya saja.


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