

AdwCleaner is a freeware but has undoubted ability. This freeware is so small that is 618kb. This software is able to clean up the toolbar that interfere or meunistal adad in the browser toolbar us quickly. The weakness in this software is that we can not choose the toolbar is to be deleted but still this software usually choose the toolbar that does not useful.For win 8 users also do not have to worry because this software already support the OS win 8.

Feature :
  • Adware (ads softwares)
  • PUP/LPI (Potentially Undesirable Program)
  • Toolbars
  • Hijacker (Hijack of the browser's homepage)
NB : Tutorial penggunaan sudah ada di dalam rar dan jika ingin mendownload 4shared dengan premium bisa klik disini

Bila mana ada pertanyaan atau request software bisa contack kami twitter kami di @BayuAdinH

1 comment:

  1. pertamax om.
    baru download terus coba dan ternyata toolbar bisa ngilang.


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